Thursday, March 28

March Break Madness for School Age Friends

Crazy Hair Day

More crazy doooooooo's

Shirt decorating

Nice Printing Gavin!

An expression of our creativity 


A new kind of MESSY!!!!

Edible finger paint fun

I am so creative

Us girls hanging out on the couch

Oooo Brandy put out a new Dollhouse 

Building with foam blocks


Prekindergarten Fun

Pajama Day Picnic

 Mateo's story of what he did for March Break

Opportunities for science exploration are limitless 

Green Goop

The messier the better


So much fun and learning in the Preschool Class

What a complex structure! These children are using problem 
solving skills to create an architectural form

Testing their theory of how a ramp works

Look at us in the mirror

Dancing friends

Pin the cottontail on the bunny!

Oops, I missed! So much fun

Your turn now

Wednesday, March 20

So much fun in the Infant Center!!!!

Autumn loves spaghetti for lunch, serving herself

Christina calls her mom at work

Mom is not answering, she must be busy!

Ooooo, we love to look out the window and watch for the school bus

Autumn has blue hair

Christina has green hair

Christina builds a baby snowman with Stephanie

Vivian dresses up with her friends

Say cheese!

Noah and Christina play musical instruments

Jayna play dress up too

Joseph enjoys a story book